Monday, July 28, 2008

One Word Essay


Money, money, money. Everything now evolves around money, don't you agree? Prices are now going up higher and higher, resulting in people reducing their expenditures on luxury items. However, once the prices go up, it never drop.

Majority do believe that "money makes the world goes round". This is because, money can be used to please someone as one may be able to buy something he or she wishes for or just do whatever things he or she wants to do. For example, one can be wishing to stay in a bungalow eversince he or she is young. And when he or she grows up, he will work hard and earn lots of money to buy the house he had always dreamt of. This will not only fufill his wants, but also giving him a sense of accomplishment as he managed to make his wish come true, through his own potential and hard works.

However, money may also change people's characters, especially when they become too greedy. For example, one may become very stingy as he wants to get more money from a particular place. As a result, he may do all sorts of tricks, even if it means to hurt someone close to him, just to get what he wants. Thus, people dearest to him may eventually leave him.

Furthermore, money may also be invaluable when it comes to 'buying' someone's heart. Money cannot buy true love when it comes to a relationship. Money cannot buy kinship either when it comes to family. This is because some people may value kinship, love, relationships even more than money and thus, even giving a lot of money to them cannot bribe them.

In conclusion, money is valued differently by different people. It is up to each individual on how one would want to spend it - by donating them or buying something just to please yourself.
