Sunday, June 29, 2008

June Holiday 4

"I promise that I would be back," assured Zac as he slowly let go off Denise's hands. He walked up the stairs and smiled at Denise before he board the airship. "I'll be waiting for you!" shouted Denise as she looked at her lover one more time.

It was a period when the two worlds were having war. All the young and strong men are summoned to protect their country while the others stay behind. Zac was one of them, summoned to be a soldier.

Denise watched as the airship departed. No one could ever predict if they will be back. But she believes, Zac will. They have been together long before the war started thus their love for each other was very strong.

At the battlefield, Zac and the other soldiers were already prepared to sacrifice their lives for their countries. Zac held his sword tightly, while his another hand, held the necklace Denise had gave him before he left tightly. "Charge!" as all the soldiers ran forward and fought bravely. Zac had defeated more than fifty enemies when he suddenly felt something piercing through his chest. It was an arrow. Despite of his injury, he continued fighting till the end. Finally, the fight had ended. Dead bodies are lying around the place while blood covered the soil. Zac stood up and attempted to go back to the campsite. However, he had lost too much blood when the arrow shot him. "No, I must go back. I have promised Denise," Zac told himself. After travelling for some distance, Zac felt that he could not take it anymore. He collasped. He attempted to stand up again, but failed. Having no choice, he tore a piece of his clothing off and wrote on it before he finally close his eyes.

A few days later, families were brought to the battlefield so that they could look for their sons, brothers, husbands. Denise rushed there immediately. After identifying all the corpses, she heaved a sigh of relief as she did not see Zac around, thinking that he might still be alive. Suddenly, she heard someone shouted, "There's another one here!" Assuring that it would not be Zac, Denise walked up to the corpse. To her horror, it was him. She immediately rushed forward and held him up. Crying really hard, she realised a peice of note in his hand.

It wrote: "Denise, I love you."


June Holiday 3

Kumar shook his head. "This could not be happening," he assured himself as the incident flashed through his mind again and again.

It was Mothers' Day, so Kumar had brought his mother to the restaurant for dinner. It was her favourite restaurant. "This is the place where you and my dad first met," his mother always told him. Then she will start talking stories about her past like how did she and Kumar's father got married together. And Kumar always enjoyed listening to them. Suddenly, halfway through their dinner, Kumar's mum told his son, "Kumar, my heart is aching. It hurts a lot." Anxious, Kumar went around the restaurant calling for help. The next thing he knew, his mother had collasped before the ambulance reach.

Pacing up and down the hospital now, Kumar wished that his mother would be alright deeply in his heart. Soon, eight hours have passed as Kumar became more anxious. Suddenly, the light of the operation room was switched off. Kumar rushed to the doctor as soon as he came out of the operation room. "How is my mother, doctor?" asked Kumar. To his horror, the doctor gave a pat on his shoulder and said,"We have already tried our best, sorry."


Saturday, June 28, 2008

June Holiday 2

"Mummy, when is daddy coming back?" asked the six-year-old boy. Joanne stopped her work, she was not supposed to let Jean know the truth. The painful truth.

Joanne was married to a irresposible and uncaring drunkard. He had always hit her and asked her for more money instead of him supporting the family. As Jean had very little memories of how his father really looked like, he had always wanted to see him. Joanne still remember that fateful day when they were arguing over family matters.

"Do you know how much your son misses you everyday? Joanne shouted at him.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. Now, if you don't mind. I need more money for beer." her husband hissed.

"Money, money, money. All you know is to get money from me! Can't you just get a job outside?"

"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do. You're in no place to do so!"

"I'm your.." Her husband gave her a tight slap before she could even finish her sentence.

"You're just a woman," her husband shouted in her face and went out of the house. Unable to take all those beatings and scoldings, she decided to leave the family with her son.

Joanna gently rubbed Jean's forehead. Tears were already welling in her eyes. "Son, I will tell you when you've grow up." Being a obedient boy, Jean nodded. But little does he know that that was how his father was like.


June Holiday 1

"A-Are you nuts? How can you do this?" Gina stared at Philips with her big eyes. "Don't worry, they won't know that it's us who've done it," Philips giggled. After placing the 'lizard' at the doorstep, Philips quickly pulled Gina and hid behind the bush. Gina then whispered, "I don't think this is a good idea, Philips. You know that Mrs. Edna is scared of.." "Here she comes," Philips cut in.

Mrs. Edna opened the door and indeed screamed out loud when she saw the 'lizard' at the doorstep. "I told you that it was fun looking at people getting freaked out," laughed Philips. "Oh really," a voice said. Shocked, Philips and Gina turned around and saw Mr. Edna standing behind them, fuming mad. Having scared Mr. Enda's wife, both Philips and Gina have no choice to get punishments from Mr. Edna. After that incident, the brother and sister learnt their lesson: Never prank people anymore.



Words used: idyllic, mortify, omnipotent, zenith, condescending

"Now I understand your defination of an idyllic life. You have indeed mortified me just now," Jessica said as she wiped off her tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. "Being omnipotent is all you have ever wanted, I'm so disappointed in you!" As she ran off, crying. Hubert could only stand rooted to the ground, watching her girlfriend run off.

As Hubert realised that to reach the zenith of his career, he must sacrificed some things: relationships. That is a lesson he had learnt after condescending to his teachers for a few years.



Words used: gusto, lithe, pathetic, indolent, obese

Lily stood behind the curtains, looking at the ballerina practicing her dance with gusto. "How I wish I could on the stage just like her someday," she thought. The ballerina was beautiful, lithe. Her dance, really elegant and graceful. Suddenly, a voice shouted at Lily, "Lily! What do you think you're doing there?!" It was her ballet instructor, Mrs. Green. "I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Green,"Lily apologised immediately. Mrs. Green stared at Lily for a few seconds before she hissed Lily in her face, "Spare those pathetic thoughts. You won't be as good as her, because you're just an indolent one." Lily felt as if millions of small needles have pierced through her heart. Those comments from Mrs. Green had really hurt her.

Mrs. Green had always criticised Lily, and Lily would normally just forget about them. But this time, things are going to be different. Hurt, angry and disappointed, Lily stared and shouted at Mrs. Green, "You're just one obese woman who only know how to criticise people, and you've never gave a thought for their feelings!" With that, Lily stormed out of the studio. "Finally," Lily thought. "I've done what I wanted and scolded her."

But after a walking down a few streets, Lily wondered, "Where am I supposed to find a ballet instructor?" Suddenly, a advertisement of the streetlight caught her attention. "Ballet Instructor. Please call 6123 4567." Excited and overjoyed, she called the number immediately. Little does she knows that another story is about to unfold.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Favourite Author

I would say that my favourite author is J.K. Rowling, or should I say, Joanne “Jo” Rowling. She had become a well-known writer throughout the world since she had first released her famous books – Harry Potter. And that is how I have got to know her too. I still remember reading her first Harry Potter book – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. It had truly enticed me to read on and on, as it is a book filled with friendships and magical stuffs which are very interesting. I would love to recommend her books to my friends.

5 Facts about J.K. Rowling:
  • The 2008 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowling's fortune at £560 million ($1.1 billion), ranking her as the 12th richest woman in Britain.
  • Aside from writing the Potter novels, Rowling is equally famous for her "rags to riches" life story, in which she progressed from living on welfare to multi-millionaire status within five years.
  • She has become a notable philanthropist, supporting such charities as Comic Relief, One Parent Families and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain.
  • Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold nearly 400 million copies.
  • Forbes ranked Rowling as the 48th most powerful celebrity of 2007, and Time magazine named her as a runner-up for its 2007 Person of the Year, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration she has given her fandom.



Words used: disgruntled, compatible, eradicate, insatiable, irrational

"More photos?" Justin heaved a disgruntled sigh as his mum placed another stack of photo albums on his table. "Mum, please. I have already told you that I am not interested in these girls." Justin looked at his mum. "Well, son. You're already at a marriageable age, but you are always stuck in your office working instead of going out to meet young and capable ladies out there. I believe that we can find a compatible girl for you soon," his mum smiled at him.

"You know that I have only loved two woman in my life. One is you and the other is..."


The mother and son looked down to the ground. There was a moment of silence before Justin spoke again. "Yes. And you know that my love for her will never be eradicated."

"But it has been a long time since she..."

"Mum, my love for Pamelo will always be insatiable."

Justin walked into his room and closed the door behind him, still thinking about how his first love ended. His first impression of Pamelo was that she was a attractive, capable, yet irrational young lady. But after having several chats with her, he realised that his first impression of her was wrong and that they could actually get along so well. It was not long before they decided to get into a closer relationship.

Finally, it came to a day when Justin decided to propose to Pamelo. He could still remember that it was drizzling that day. Justin had asked Pamelo out for walk, ready to give her a surprise. "Okay, I'm going to propose any time now," Justin thought when suddenly Pamelo held his hand and said, "Justin, I'm going to the mailbox opposite the road to mail this letter. Wait here for me for a while, okay? I won't be long." With that, Pamelo gave him a smile and walked off. Little did he know that that was the last time she was going to hold his hand and smiled at him. Justin looked as Pamelo walked across the street when suddenly a car came at a really fast speed towards Pamelo. "Pamelo, look out!" Justin shouted. But before Pamelo could even do anything, the car came and the next thing Justin knew was that Pamelo had collapsed into a pool of fresh blood.

A few days after Pamelo's death, Justin recieved her diary from her family. He flipped to the last page and it wrote: Dear diary, I wish Justin can propose to me now. I don't care if it is romantic or not. I'm going to say yes.

Till this day, Justin is still blaming himself for that incident and blaming himself for not proposing to Pamelo earlier.



Words used: ardent, falter, pungent, bereft, pinnacle

"Don't let me repeat myself again," he said, with his ardent, burning eyes. I looked into his eyes again, knowing that I have really made him furious this time. "I will not answer you," my voice faltering. "Very well," he said and pulled me up by my arms. I followed him through the dark passageway and was thrown into a room. "You will stay here until you answer." With that, he stomped off with anger.

The room was small and empty, the air was pungent with horrible smell. For a moment, I felt as though I was bereft of all happiness. I looked out of the small and dusty window, and saw the pinnacle of the mountain. "My family are living behind the mountain," I thought.

"Would they come to my rescue?"


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Words used: acute, hostile, gist, transient, inevitable

Edwin ran quickly after his dog. His dog must have picked up a smell to an exit out of the jungle. Edwin knew that he can trust his dog's acute sense of smell. He also knew that they have to run, as fast as possible, to escape from the hostile tribal people chasing after them. He did not want to be the gist of their dinner tonight. Who knows that only a transient stay in their village would brought him such a fate? All Edwin wanted was to get some samples from the unique plant species.

He looked around, he had lost track of his dog and saw someone holding a lantern. For a moment, he thought that death was inevitable for him when suddenly, he heard a voice, "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" It was a farmer. Thank goodness, Edwin thought. He had ran out of the deep jungle.



Words used: disperse, puny, initiate, burning midnight oil, obliterate

Daniel walked quietly in the dark, through the streets. He had to be careful in order not to be seen by any of the imperial guards. Daniel walked from house to house so as to disperse the message. He had suffered enough under the selfish and cruel ruling of their King. "Puny creatures" is the term the King always used to refer to his people. Now is the time, Daniel thought. He should initiate a rebel against their King. Daniel had been burning midnight oil, reading books on the history of wars. He did not mind if it would obliterate his energy, he thought that every sacrifice made is worth it.

This time, he will succeed.



Words used: absurd, bizarre, vulnerable, imprudent, imperative

"This is absurd! Or should I say, bizarre?" Miss Tay raised her eyebrow and stared at Peter. Peter looked down at the floor with shame. He had never feel so embarassed before. He had just poked the flower pot accidentally and it just broke. Furthermore, all the teachers chose not to believe that he did not break the flower pot. Who would know that the floewr pot would be vulnerable to just a poke? After a few seconds of silence, Miss Tay sighed and continued, "Well, at least you've learnt a lesson. Never be imprudent next time again, okay? And of course, a few days of detention is imperative." Peter gave a little nod before Miss Tay send him back to class.



Words used: decade, mortality, susceptible, neurotic, neutralise

Jane looked down at the scar on her thigh. It had been a decade since she had escaped mortality. She rememebered the day when she and her family were going on an outing together. Everyone was very happy, they were laughing and joking around. Suddenly a car from the opposite direction came and "CRASH!" She looked around and saw that everyone was lying on the ground, all covered in fresh, red blood. The next thing she know, she fainted. When she regained conscious, the doctor came and told her, "I'm sorry to say that you are the only survivor in your family."

She still remembered how the incident was susceptible to her life, and she nearly became neurotic. She could not accept the fact that all her family members died. Although it had been a long time since the incident had happened, but it is still highly impossible for her to neutralise the feeling of loosing her beloved ones.



Words use: potential, incapacited, fabricate, plight, acknowledge

"I see potential in you, young man." Mark could never forget the words his benefactor had once told him. All thanks to him, Mr. Joss, or Mark could never became the well-known businessman worldwide. Now, Mark is an incapacited man who is too busy to even talk on the phone. Mark still could remember how they first met. He was a young and fit sixteen-year-old man, but unemployed because he did not recieve proper education due to the fact that his family was poor. His father had believed the fabricated lies made by those swindlers, which made their family go bankrupt. So, Mark ended up begging for money and food so that he can feed his old and sick mother at home.

One day, Mark walked past this luxurious restaurant and accidentally banged into Mr. Joss. "How dare you bang into him?! You have dirtied his suit!" Mr. Joss' assistant shouted at Mark. He looked up and realised that it was the most sucessful businessman in his country, Mr. Joss. "I'm sorry. I'm really, very sorry," Mark kept apologising. Suddenly Mr. Joss said, "It's okay. Why are you here begging for money when you're still a young man?" Mark sighed and explained his current plight. After listening to Mark's sad story, Mr. Joss said, "Come to my office tomorrow. I'm sure you know where is it, right?" "H-Huh? But why?"Mark asked, with a confused look on his face. "Well, you can come to work for me. The pay's better than the amount of money you begged here, no matter what." With that, Mr. Joss turned and walked off. The second day, Mark went to look for Mr. Joss who taught him the basics of setting up a business and giving a sum of money for Mark to set up one by himself.

Till this day, Mark is still grateful to Mr. Joss for acknowledging and teaching him. He walked up slowly to Mr. Joss' tombstone and gave a final bow.


Monday, June 16, 2008


Words used: fulsome, pondering, lush, opulence, metamorphosis

Johnny opened the treasure chest, all too fulsome to stare, or even look at. He closed the treasure chest and started pondering what should he do with this chest of treasure. "Johnny, come and take a look at this!" his partner, Hubert exclaimed. Johnny stood up and walked out of the room. Much to his surprise, he saw the lush surroundings of the house. "This must be the home of someone full with opulence," Johnny said, still amaze at the surroundings.

Suddenly Hubert shook his partner's hand, which gave Johnny a shock. He said, grinning from ear to ear, "Johnny, this is the starting of a metamorphosis in our lives."
