Saturday, January 19, 2008


Journal T1W3 The Greatest Invention

Words used: importune, scurry, mammoth, lethal, eventuate

"Is it ready yet?" That was the third time Todd had importuned George. "Just hold on for a minute. Be patient," George answered. Todd looked at the machine once more and went out of the room. Suddenly, he saw a figure scurrying towards him. Taking a closer look, he realised that it is their friend, Robert. "Sorry that i was late. I had something on just now," panted Robert, "is it done?"

Before Todd could reply, George came out and announced that their invention is finally completed. The three friends have been spending their time inventing this machine which will help them win in the upcoming Robotics Competition. Their efforts are finally paid off. They went into the room and saw the mammoth machine. "A kick from it would be lethal," laughed George. "Finally, it's done. 2 months of hard works eventuated in this machine," admired Todd. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's go and win this competition," said Robert as he continued admiring their greatest invention ever.


Saturday, January 12, 2008


Journal T1W2 Being Careless

Words used: meticulous, sporadic, lax, elapsed, fruitless.

"Must you always be meticulous, Tim? This is the tenth time you have lost your belongings!" screamed Mrs. Lim. "I don't mind sporadic carelessness. But ten times? This is absurd!" Tim looked at his mother. It was not his fault, he thought, he had already tried his best to be lax.

He took a quick glimpse at his mother again. She really looked mad, fuming mad. There was silence as minutes elapsed. He knew that it would be fruitless to go on a search for his wallet now. It is really dark out there now. Feeling sorry, Tim promised his mother not to be careless anymore.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Featured Article

Featured Article

Title: Bodies Under Construction
Target Audience: Females thinking of plastic surgery
Purpose: Think twice before deciding on plastic surgery

Ever hate the way you looked and even thought of changing it? Well, maybe the most common solution now is “Plastic Surgery”. Cosmetic Surgery is a very popular form of plastic surgery. In 2006, nearly 11 million cosmetic plastic surgeries were performed in the United States alone.

I realized that people who are thinking about having plastic surgery to change the way they look are often addressing issues of self-esteem. Whether for vanity, ego or cold hard cash, we all want to look better, younger, and more fabulous. But going under knives to change your life, well, is it worth it? I cannot deny that you would look a lot prettier after getting a plastic surgery. But what if the surgery made your appearance worse instead? Ever thought of these factors before going for a plastic surgery? I only have two words to say: Michael Jackson. Imagine your face turns out to be:

Hiding your face from everyone. Leading a secretive life. Won't that be terrible? Although there may be physical changes but the real change begins with who you are inside. It makes no difference when you’re beautiful while your attitude sucks. Maybe a best way to boost your self-esteem is to talk with someone. Letting everything out would make you feel better too. Remember, you can just stop caring so much about everybody else’s opinion. Yours is the only one that matters.
